Saturday, 5 January 2013

RESEARCH - Film Audiences


Different subgenres usually attract different audiences. For example a comedy thriller such as 'Scary Movie' would attract younger audiences. Whereas Political thrillers such as 'Enemy Of State' are more likely to attract an older audience.

Here are a few of the other types of film genres and their target audiences :

Most thrillers will appeal to older audiences because they usually contain violence and some psychological issues that can be disturbing for younger audiences. Also Psychological thrillers like 'Memento' are more intellectually demanding, the target audience is about 25-45 years old.
Cross genres like Horror thriller and Action thriller which are less intellectually demanding attract a younger audience (teens) because they want instantaneous excitement.


(Scary Movie - Comedy Thriller which would usually attract younger audiences like teens)
(Enemy of State - Political Thriller which tends to have a male audience)


(Momento - Psychological Thriller which has an older target audience)

Comedy can please majority of audiences as most people like to laugh and be amused. However depending on what type of humour that is used in the film the audience can vary. For example their is adult humour which may be inappropriate for younger audiences. Where as 'slap stick' humour may appeal more to the younger audiences.

Romance has a big female audience and usually conforms to the typical storyline of 'boy meets girl'. Younger females tend to be more interested in watching 'fairytale like' movies where there is usually a happy ending. It is said that older women/men usually dont find these movies interesting because they want to be intulectually stimulated whilst watching a film.

Action usually involves stories that are based on fighting, they may involve characters like spies or be based around solving a crime. This type of movie tends to have a big male audience and therefore this is the audience that most action movies target. The main character is usually a man who is confident, goodlooking, strong and is a typical alpha male.

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