Analysing a film opening 1.
The film opening i have choose to analyse is
'the taking of pelham 123'
The type of opening for this film is
'stylized editing'
The opening starts off with a deep drum beat and a screatching tyre on road skiddidng sound behind it that is non-digetic. After the production comapanys come up the non digetic sound changes to a much more up beat higher pitched sound that tell us it is a action packed film. Inbetween the sound there is a repeated dialoge sound saying 'whoo' which follows with a male voice rapping which is still non-digetic, from this we get the idea that the film is still action pack and mainly male orientated. When the train is in the shot the sound matchs what is being seen as we hear a fast train sound. The style changes for a few seconds to the narrative so we where diologe of two characters speaking so that we can get a insite to the narrative. it then goes back to the stylized editing where we hear lots of sound like: cars, horns, lots of people talking at once and trains, this tells us that the location is going to be a city.
Mise En Scene:
The first thing we get too see is the location of where the film is set, se get too see the skyline of NYC so we see lots of high building and sky scrapers. We quickly get introduced the city where we get too see it is full of people and transport. After seeing all busy city it changes to one man standing at a train station, it may have stopped on him because he might be the main character or one of the main characters. When the style change it takes sus too a office where the character are smartly dressed, this could tell us that the film also has a very serious element to it after the busy fun life style, The office has large computers covering the walls telling us what happens in the office which is an insite to the movie. It goes back to the city life where two men are standing at a train station with a very serious expressoin on there faces telling us there is either conflict between them or there is a bigger problem involving them.
The first shot we see is the skyline of NYC, the camera pan's across it too lead the audiences eye through america and make them feel as if the are getting introduced to the location. The camera shows a birds eye view of the city which changes between a straight on shot and differenciates between angles. There is a close up on one man who has been edited too be at a slower pase from everyone else, this is done becasue he is a main character in the film. The camera dose a close up of four things one after another being; the subway station sign, a bag a man is holding, a logo on another mans jacket and then his face. This is done because all things are most likey to be connected to each other. The majourty of the rest of the film is all in mid shoots apart from when there are close ups on important signs and people in the film.
The opening is edited from the start, when the camera pans through the skline of NYC it is in slow motion so it give the audience time to connect with the location, it suddnely changes to fast motion where you can just about tell what is going on becase of how fast the speed is, this is used so that the audience can tell that life in the center of NYC is very busy and fast going. When the close up on the man happens he is put in slow motion when the rest are in fast still, this happens because it makes him stand out from the rest and is a main character in the film.
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