Friday, 28 December 2012

Genres & Sub Genres

A genre can be associated with most concepts such as films to gaming or music to books. A genre is normally defined as what type of category the whole concept falls into. The movie "Friends with Benefits" could be easily associated with the genre Romance. Although it could be perceived as a comedy. The Romance would be due to the love interest between both protagonists whereas the Comedy would come from their banter. A movie with two genres is called a Sub Genre such as a Rom-Com which is "Friends with Benefits" genre.

Genres are important to an industry as without a genre the audience will not be interested. The film industry is an excellent example as the audience will watch films that are part of a recurring genre such as an action film. This means that a successful genre brings in audiences, which is the key reason why a genre is repeated over and over again. As audiences, we seem to watch the same genres repeatedly as our expectations are based around our understanding of the genre. If the narrative of the movie is understood by the audience, we instantly feel smart as the narrative is similar to our expectations of the genre. Overall the film industry exploits our habits & interests.

A thriller sub genre which inspires me would have to be "Disturbia". Disturbia has the genres of a thriller and a mystery. The film puts the audience on edge and causes them to doubt the reality or fantasy in the film. It creates an ambivalent feeling towards the protagonist whether he is delusional or telling the truth. The audience feels compelled to believe the protagonist as we see what he sees and understand whats he talking about. This instantly makes us feel superior to the other characters in the movie as they are unaware of the mystery whereas the audience and the protagonists are educated in the mystery. This film could possibly influence our film opening as it highlights key elements of a thriller sub genre and overall makes the audience feel ambivalent over the movie.


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